
Frequently Asked Questions


Please click the questions below to discover the answers.

Why is Fee-Only important?

As a Fee-Only firm, Bluegrass Financial Planning does not sell financial products or receive any commissions.  We believe there is a conflict of interest when advisors gain financially through commissions for products they recommend.  Our only source of income is through our clients, and not from any investments we recommend for our clients.

While many individuals claim to be financial advisors, in reality they only sell investment products and earn commissions.  In addition, representatives of large investment banks and/or insurance companies are not required to act as fiduciaries and as a result do not have a legal obligation to put their client's interests above their own.  (For more information on fiduciaries, please see the "What does being a Fiduciary mean?" in this section).

Our view is that Fee-Only is the only method that truly minimizes conflicts of interest.  This gives the client peace of mind that they are receiving objective, unbiased advice and not a cleverly disguised sales pitch designed to sell a high commission product.

Which do you feel more comfortable with:  an advisor who is compensated based upon quality advice or one that recommends high commission products to increase his compensation?


What does being a Fiduciary mean?

A fiduciary is a person or institution given the power to act on behalf of another in situations that require great trust, honesty and loyalty.  Fiduciaries are hired to act in your best interest and must set aside personal motives and conflicts of interest in favor of pursuing the best outcome for your unique situation.

Bluegrass Financial Planning proudly embraces our fiduciary duty to our clients by:

  • Putting the client's best interests first.
  • Acting with prudence; that is, with the skill, care, diligence and good judgment of a professional.
  • Not misleading clients; providing conspicuous, full and fair disclosure of all important facts.
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest; and
  • Fully disclosing and fairly managing, in the client's favor, unavoidable conflict.

Investment professionals who aren't fiduciaries are often held to a lesser standard, the so-called sustainability standard.  This standard means that they the products they sell you just have to be suitable for you, not necessarily ideal or in your best interest.


Who can benefit most from your services?

Any individual seeking financial peace of mind can benefit from our services. We serve people at all income levels, from all walks of life. Clients have the flexibility to work with us on either a one-time, as needed or on a periodic basis.

We welcome clients who simply need a one-time financial consultation or a second opinion, as well as those who need comprehensive financial planning. In addition, any corporation or organization seeking quality, unbiased financial education for their employees or members can benefit from our financial education programs.


How do you select investments for a client?

We begin the process by gathering information from you to clearly define your individual financial objectives and risk tolerance. After detailed interviews with each client, we develop the appropriate asset allocation based on investment time horizon, cash flow considerations and overall investment objectives and goals.

Once we have developed and agreed to the appropriate asset allocation, we select no-load mutual funds and/or Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's) with strong long term performance for their respective segment.  In addition, we pay close attention to fund expenses and transaction costs while mananging the tax aspects of the overall portfolio to acheive the highest possible after-tax return. 

How do I get started?

Please contact us to answer any other questions you may have or to schedule a free 30-minute get acquainted meeting.